Let's make your business 


more streamlined.

more aligned.

more fun.

Hetali Mehta, MPH

"I’ve had the opportunity to work with top firms in strategy and serve as the CMO of a tech-enabled startup, gaining a deep understanding of what it takes to drive growth. Starting my own business from the ground up has been so rewarding, teaching me so much about what really works when it comes to scaling and improving a company. I’m passionate about helping others by conducting business audits, where I can take complex information, organize it, and deliver tactical strategies that lead to real improvements. I'm excited to share what I’ve learned and help take your business to the next level!"

I thrive when working with creative individuals who don’t see themselves fitting into a traditional corporate mold and who might fear that streamlining their business will strip away the joy and spontaneity they love. I’ve found the opposite to be true: the more you streamline and optimize your processes, the more space you create for true creativity and growth. My favorite people to work with are passionate founders and creators who have the drive and vision to build something meaningful and lasting. Passion is the essential ingredient that fuels a fulfilling, long-term business, and if you have it, the sky’s the limit.

I approach business through the eyes of a small business owner because I’ve been one for over 10 years. I understand the pain points, the many hats you have to wear, and the challenges of maintaining balance while growing a business. That’s the difference—I get it, and I know how to guide you toward the most aligned and impactful directions for your growth. I’m not here to sugarcoat things; I believe in being direct and constructive to help you make the best decisions for your journey.

If you’re ready to streamline without losing the spark, to align your processes with your passions, and to find more time to create and innovate, we might just be the perfect fit.

The Mini Workflow Audit

Who is it perfect for?

The Mini Workflow Audit is tailored for those who thrive in creative environments and are looking for specific, actionable insights to optimize their work without being forced into a one-size-fits-all solution. This service has been a game-changer for:

• Artists and Creatives:  streamline their studio management, improve client communication processes,  optimize their production workflows, relationship building.
• Content Creators and Influencers:Workflow management, delegation work, first hires, contract negotiation, automations.
• Boutique Retailers and Interior Designers: manage inventory better, boost in-store and online customer experiences, and align pricing strategies, project managemen, client onboarding processes.
• Small Business Owners and Solopreneurs: For those balancing multiple roles, we’ve helped create effective delegation systems, streamline day-to-day operations, and focus on what drives their unique vision forward.

Our goal isn’t to fit you into a box but to make your existing box even better and more efficient.

Investment: $750 - $1,500

What’s Included:

• Discovery Call (30 Minutes): A deep, focused session to understand where you are now, your immediate challenges, and where you want to be.
• Targeted Audit Report: A concise overview with 3-5 customized recommendations that provide clarity and direction, tailored to your unique business needs.
• Follow-Up Session (45 Minutes): A dedicated session to discuss findings, refine your strategy, and ensure you’re set up for success.

The Mini Workflow Audit isn’t about overhauling everything; it’s about enhancing what already makes your business special. We focus on practical, meaningful changes that provide immediate impact without overwhelming you.

Ready to get started? Click below to book your initial discovery call and explore how the Mini Workflow Audit can elevate your creative business.

schedule call

The Full Workflow Audit

Who is it best for?

The Full Business Audit is designed for businesses and entrepreneurs at pivotal points in their growth journey. If you’ve hit a growth plateau or are preparing for a major shift, this audit provides the deep insights and strategic clarity needed to advance with confidence. This service is perfect for:

• Businesses Ready for a Transformation: You’re looking to streamline operations, enhance team dynamics, or incorporate innovative technologies like AI, automation, or advanced delegation to elevate your business.
• Founders Seeking Optimization: If you want to delegate more effectively, reduce overwhelm, and ensure every aspect of your business is optimized to run like a well-oiled machine, this is for you.
• Entrepreneurs Focused on Sustainable Scaling: Perfect for those looking to grow without losing their creative edge or company culture, balancing innovation with structure.

Our Full Audit dives deep into every aspect of your business, from daily operations to long-term strategy, providing a comprehensive and tailored action plan that moves the needle where it matters most.

Investment: $2,000 - $5,000 (exact price determined after a preliminary call, depending on the size and scope of the work and business)

What’s Included:

• Deep-Dive Discovery Call (60 Minutes): An in-depth conversation to explore every facet of your business, from what’s working well to where there are gaps, so we can build a roadmap tailored to you.
• Comprehensive Audit Report: A full-scope analysis covering all areas of your business—marketing, operations, financials, customer experience, team dynamics, and more. You’ll receive a detailed report with insights and a step-by-step action plan for growth and operational excellence.
• Strategy Refinement Session (60 Minutes): We’ll review the audit findings together, refine strategies, and adjust recommendations to ensure they align perfectly with your goals.
• One Month of Follow-Up Support: Ongoing guidance via email or Slack as you implement changes, with regular check-ins to keep you accountable and on track.

The Full Business Audit isn’t just about finding what’s broken; it’s about amplifying what’s working and strategically navigating you through the changes necessary to achieve your biggest goals.

Ready for a transformative strategy session that brings clarity and focus to your next big move? Book your initial discovery call at the link below

schedule call

One-on-One Founder Support is for select founders looking to explore the intersection of personal and business growth. This in-depth program provides a bespoke approach to understanding where you want your journey to lead and offers actionable steps to get there. With tailored guidance, strategic insights, and personalized accountability, this service focuses on aligning your vision with your business goals, fostering both personal and professional development for a truly transformative experience.

Who is it best for?
One-on-One Founder Support is designed for entrepreneurs who want a personalized and in-depth approach to align their business growth with their personal journey. This offering is ideal for:

 • Founders seeking clarity on where personal aspirations and business goals intersect.
 • Entrepreneurs looking to develop a clear, actionable vision for both their business and personal growth.
 • Leaders who value regular, hands-on support and accountability to navigate challenges and refine strategies for a purpose-driven path forward.

Investment: $2,500/month (minimum commitment of 3 months)

What’s Included:

 • Initial Deep Dive Strategy Session (90 Minutes): A comprehensive session to explore your personal and professional aspirations, and where they intersect.
 • Bi-Monthly Coaching Sessions (2 x 45 Minutes per Month): Ongoing, tailored guidance to refine your strategy, address challenges, and stay aligned with your goals.
 • Regular Accountability Check-Ins: Scheduled touchpoints to ensure progress and keep you on track.
 • Ongoing Support via Slack: Direct access to Victoria for real-time support, feedback, and guidance as you implement changes.

Ready to invest in a deeper, more aligned approach to your business and personal journey? Book your initial discovery call today to learn more.

schedule call

Working with Victoria is a dream. I was looking for more clarity around my business strategy, and Victoria more than overdelivered. It was worth every penny and more. Her ability to see your business blind spots (and approach a strategy from both an analytical and creative perspective) is pretty incredible. After implementing her recommendations, I had my highest-earning month ever!!

Victoria changed the way I organize myself and my business - which has helped with our whole team's productivity and organization. She's got our whole team working smarter, not harder. What really stuck with me was how she handled everything we threw at her. Victoria made sure we understood everything. Her approach to processes and organization is truly one-of-a-kind. Working with Victoria has been a gamechanger for us. All that she taught our team helped make us stronger and more organized than ever before. I can't explain how grateful I am for Victoria's impact!! If you're on the fence about working with her, take it from me - it's a 10/10, 100% worth it decision that you won't regret!

Helen Leland, Founder The Bomb Co

Victoria's expertise as a business consultant is nothing short of exceptional. As an artist, I found that her diversified background and business experience provide a depth of knowledge and perspective that was instrumental in helping me navigate business decisions and align with professional milestones. Victoria's positive and encouraging demeanor is truly contagious, creating an environment where you feel both supported and empowered. Her genuine investment in her clients' success is both evident and impactful. I would highly recommend working with Victoria to anyone looking to elevate their business

Ryan Beck, Artist

I was incredibly intrigued with AI capabilities for ecomm businesses, but also intimidated where to dive in. Victoria has this incredible ability to breakdown seemingly complex tools into very usable daily practices to increase efficiencies for our business. She sparked a light within our entire team - now wanting to understand and learn more ways to increase their creativity + lessen the admin load. 

Morgan Smith, Founder and CEO of Minnow 

  • Shopify
  • Showit
  • Squarespace
  • Slack
  • Notion
  • Gen AI
  • Klaviyo
  • Substack
  • Instagram
  • ManyChat
  • Automations
  • Custom GPTs
  • Calendar Tools
  • Brick-and-Mortar Setup & Launch
  • Brick-and-Mortar Scaling & Optimization
  • Brick-and-Mortar and E-Commerce Integration
  • E-Commerce Strategy & Automation
  • Inventory Management
  • Purchase Order Organization & Management
  • Wholesale Connections & Vendor Relations
  • Customer Service Optimization
  • Team Hiring & Building
  • Social Media Optimization
  •  Organic Marketing Strategies
  • Retail Buying (12 years of experience)
  • Creative Partnership Collaborations
 Leadership & Team Building
Team Communication & Collaboration
Employee Training & Development
Creative Team Management
Organizational Culture Development
Community Building & Engagement
Organic Customer Acquisition Strategies
Networking & Relationship Building
Customer Experience & Journey Mapping
Public Speaking & Team Motivation